
Welcome to my creative space! My name is Amy Burke and I am inspired. Card making is one of my current passions and I am honoured that you've taken the time to share it with me. Enjoy!

14 March 2012

Something fishy's going on


  1. Loving this personalised design!

  2. Thanks! It looks so much wetter in real life. x

  3. Amy! Found your blog through Moxie Fab! What's this about Pinterest? I've ALWAYS been a little weary of Facebook...Your blog & your creations are BEAUTIFUL! VERY CREATIVE!!!!! ORIGINAL!!!!!! :)

    1. Hi Becky - so sweet of you to say! I'm glad someone likes my stuff other than me :D Do you have a pintrest account? If so, you'll notice some pretty major aesthetic & functional changes. Some people like it, many(including me) don't. I've spent HOURS on printrest organising my boards for inspiration -- they're all still there,so it's not a technical glitch, but the redesign REALLY turns me off. They may yet offer a compromise and I haven't yet written them off entirely, but in the meantime I'm looking to transfer my stuff elsewhere(maybe to flickr). If you don't yet have an account but are considering one, I'd still suggest you try it...the material is so diverse and easy to access. Do you have a blog/profile somewhere?


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